Useful Information

The weather in Lombok is nice all year round due to its equatorial climate. It has tropical weather with hot and humid conditions; humidity is high at an average of 84.6%, but has a drier climate than of its neighbor of Bali due its location near bio-geographical boundary of the Wallace Line.
Lombok has two seasons, a rain/wet season and dry season. Its climate is tropical and during the dry season, it is much akin to dry savannah weather.
The rainy season spans from October through to March. Generally, in October, the rain/wet season starts and intensifies during November (considered to be the wettest month), then ends in March. The annual rainfall is around 1088 mm.
There is 12 hours of daylight every day throughout the year. The winds are prevalent changing every two months, the rains are localised.
The dry season runs from April through to September. The weather during the dry season corresponds to that of spring and summer of a temperate conditions. Humidity conditions are an average of 77%, very significantly lower than of the rain/wet season. Rainfall decreases from 60 mm in May to 27 mm in June.
The peak and busiest time to visit Lombok is between October to April, within the rain/wet season. During the rainy season, humidity is less and it very pleasant. The dry season is also a popular time to visit. The visitor will find overall throughout the year Lombok has very nice weather.